"Bats are causing a bad smell"
"Bats are in my ceiling making lots of noise"
Bats are living in my house
ABC advocates living alongside bats and reducing the impact they have on house owners rather than removing roosts. Often the issues associated with living with bats can be resolved by our specialist team. We would encourage you to call our free helpline service rather than pest control, so our team also carry out mitigation and provide ethical solutions to your problems at no cost to yourself.
All genuine roost reports are entitled to receive a free roost visit from the ABC team.
Click the boxes below for advice about common issues associated with living with bats.

Bats are creating a bad smell
For large colonies of bats, often the build up of guano (bat faeces) can cause smell over time, if not managed. Bat faeces is simply the keratin based shells of the insects they eat. ABC provides a free service to visit your home and advise on the potential solutions. Solutions will depend on the situation, the nature of your property and the volume of guano, and may include:
Cleaning and regular removal of guano - removing the guano is often the simplest solution to issues around smell. ABC are happy to come and collect the guano and remove it regularly safely on your behalf. If you are interested in becoming a partner we can regularly collect and buy guano from you to create a small income for you to support your livelihoods whilst promoting bat conservation. Call us to enquire.
Roost ventilation - we can also advise and assist in ventilation of the roost, to relieve the smell without affecting the bats.
Roost modification - in some cases we can create self cleaning platforms that reduce guano build up and smell.

Bats are making noise
For large colonies of bats, and some species can make some noise whilst they are in the building which may cause annoyance or disruption. ABC provides a free service to visit your home and advise on the potential solutions. Solutions will depend on the situation, the nature of your property and the bat species and location of thier roost of guano, and may include: moving bats to other areas of the building, restricting access to certain areas of the building or sound proofing.