ABC aims to build capacity for long-term bat conservation, research and monitoring in Malawi. Central to achieving this aim is the development of a long-term Bats and Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (BMP) to assess the status, distribution of and threats to bats and biodiversity in Malawi.
Standardised monitoring surveys are conducted in different habitat types and landscapes across the country.
Long Term Monitoring
We have permanent survey sites which are monitored using harp-trapping, mist netting and acoustic recording of bat echolocation calls using Song Meter SM3BAT and Audiomoth bat detectors. Habitat and insect surveys are also conducted at each site. These surveys enable us to measure relative species diversity and abundance between habitats. Surveys are repeated each year and season to build long-term datasets allowing us to monitor trends in bat abundance and diversity over time, to monitor population status.
Bats and Biodiversity Database

We have created a bats and biodiversity database to store and record all sightings and records gathered from the ABC research projects and the Bats & Biodiversity Monitoring Programme.
This will provide an effective easy to use conservation tool for wildlife managers to facilitate long-term conservation and monitoring of bats and biodiversity in Malawi. We are training wildlife managers (DNPW) in the use of the database to ensure long-term sustainability.
Sequencing the worlds bats!
We are working with the BAT 1K genome project which aims to sequence the genome of all bats species globally, over 1400 species!.
The main goal of this consortium is to uncover the genes and genetic mechanisms behind the unusual adaptations of bats, essentially mine the bat genome to uncover their secrets. During all our surveys we collect tissue samples from bats to send to BAT 1K to contribute to the global database.

to let us know of any bat
records in Malawi
Fill in this form to let us know of your bat records!
They can be of bats in your garden foraging or roosting bats you know of