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women in science

"Empowering and encouraging high school girls to be a part of the movement to increase female representation in STEM."

In 2017 Women in STEM was founded at the University of Chicago Lab Schools as a mechanism to bridge the gap between social justice and academic fields. Recognizing the issue was the foundation for our work that followed. Translating discussion and theory to concrete action and passionate activism ultimately became the primary focus of our organization in the forms of various initiatives.

Since March of 2017, we have been working to tackle both the attitudes surrounding women in STEM and also the limited opportunities available in high school, especially for girls. We have a full time women in STEM ambassador Esther who conducts education and outreach events to promote women in science in local communities and schools. We support on several programs, including facilitating constructive discussions, bringing in guest speakers, and partnering with universities to match high school students with college students in a mentorship program.

Esther is leads on all our work to encourage women into STEM. We have been fundraising for Esther so she can go back to school to complete her studies. For Women In STEM Day she recorded a video to explain what it is like for young women here in Malawi and the struggles faced to get through school. Watch the video by clicking play on the images to the right. 


Esther’s fundraiser has less than £1500 needed to reach her goal, we are so close! Every donation brings Esther closer to completing her 18 month studies and therefore closer to helping other girls in Malawi to pursue their dreams in STEM as well. 



Find out more about her story on her GoFundMe page. At CRM we highly value and encourage gender equality in Science. We aim to support local villagers by providing site-specific information on Human Wildlife Mitigation and by doing so increase capacity building independent of gender. We support our staff on developing new skills and offer trainings and workshops on scientific methods and techniques.

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A project of the UK charity
Conservation Research Africa
UK Registered Charity Number 1170640

© 2023 

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