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Join us on a


and gain valuable research skills

University Placement &

Postgraduate Programme 

African Bat Conservation offers a tailored programme for students wishing to conduct their industrial / PTY / professional training placement or MSc/PhD with us.


Under this scheme we offer students the option to conduct their research project with us as part of the placement, as well as offering MSc and MRes opportunities for students from any University.


Placements and MRes / MSc projects are offered for periods of 1  to 10 months at any of our field sites. You can view the current suggested MRes/MSc and PhD project options here.

Developing your skills

Placement students join ABC in the field research sites. You will have the opportunity to gain a diverse range of new skills including field research techniques such as bat mist netting and bat handling, acoustic surveys, internal roost surveys, endoscope work, emergence surveys, roost mitigation and conflict work, community engagement, insect trapping and habitat surveys. You can also gain lab based skills including acoustic ID, call analysis, GIS and insect pinning and processing.




  • Duration: 2 to 10 months (longer stays possible)

  • Requirements: age 18+, and in good health

  • Locations: Lilongwe City, Kuti Wildlife Reserve, Lake Malawi, Malawi

  • Activities: Field research, marketing, education, community engagement: including bat mist netting and harp trapping, vegetation surveys, habitat

       assessments, insect trapping, data collation; community surveys and                           questionnaires

  • Arrival airport: Lilongwe International

  • Dates: We take placement students at any time of year.

  • Please note we are closed between 23rd Dec and 2nd Jan each year for Christmas/New Year break.





The costs of your placement vary according to how long you stay and include a donation to the project.

Extensions to booked placements can be arranged at the project but are subject to availability.


Minimum required stay is 1 month.

Interested? Here's how to apply

Download our student project list for inspiration.



Download our student information pack.



Download the application form

and email it to 


We will then contact you to confirm receipt of your application, discuss your project with you,  confirm dates and costs and send you a detailed volunteer pack to give you all the extra information you need before arriving.


Of course feel free to email us with any questions at

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A project of the UK charity
Conservation Research Africa
UK Registered Charity Number 1170640

© 2023 

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