Roosts are critical for the survival of bat populations. Bats use them to breed, mate and rear their young.
However, the loss of natural roosting habitat such as trees, has forced brought bats in conflict with humans, as they are forced to use non natural alternatives such as buildings and man made structures.
ABC has an active roost monitoring and conservation programme across Malawi.
We have a database of known roosts, which we monitor every year conducting internal checks and external emergence counts to record bat numbers and ensure roost survival. We also conduct research to understand the roosting requirements of bats in Malawi.
Our research on Tomb bats found that they prefer tall buildings with wooden beams, located close to woodland (read our paper here).

Our Wildlife Assistance Team also conduct mitigation activities at roosts, providing a free service to resolve human bat conflict and promote human bat co-existance. We are working to create a network of bat guardians who will protect and conserve bat roosts in their properties.